Meat, particularly chicken, is a common delicacy in homes. Selecting the ideal cooking method determines its taste and ultimate nutritional value. While there are many methods, this article will cover rotisserie and grilling. Read on to know the difference between the two and the most suitable one for your cooking.

What does Grilling Mean?

Grilling originally came from the Caribbean, where natives smoke-dried meat on hot coals. Spanish explorers called this barbacoa and this evolved to the modern day barbeque. In grilling, meat is put over a grid of racks over coals, open fire, or heated briquettes. While the best results are achieved outdoors, there are modern appliances that can help you achieve the same.

Why Should You Grill Your Meat?

Grilling comes with several advantages. For starters, it gives your meat that distinct flavour. Since grilling doesn’t require additional fat to cook meat, it makes it easier for you to enjoy a healthy meal without adding unnecessary calories.

As mentioned above, grilling involves high heat getting into contact with your food. This means that it will be crispy on the outside and moist on the inside. Further research shows that grilling may minimise the risk of chronic diseases associated with high cholesterol intake.

While the high heat levels may cause more vitamins and minerals to leach out, it is still a delicious way to try. The method of cooking also requires constant supervision which can be inconvenient for some people. Additionally, you need skills to elevate your grilled meat such as the inclusion of marinades and sauces. If not, your meat may taste bland.

What does Rotisserie Mean?

Also known as spit-roasting, rotisserie refers to skewering meat on a long rod and then cooking it over a fire or in a fireplace. The spit (long solid rod) constantly turns, ensuring every part is cooked. Like grilling, the outside will be crisp and the inside succulent due to the turning action.

Rotisserie meat is a great source of protein. While the best protein sources are meat and dairy products, they often contain a lot of saturated fats. By using professional rotisserie, you can achieve low saturated fats while getting the best B complex vitamins.

This kind of cooking is quite convenient and easier as you do not need to be there at all times (unless it is manual). With the constant turning, the excess fat and grease drain off thus a healthier option. As for aesthetics, rotisserie ensures an even browning as the meat achieves the right amount of heat while tossing and turning. It is a slow process but worth it.

When eating palatable meals such as rotisserie, it is very easy to overeat. This demands that you check on your portions while serving. Additionally, there is the risk of contamination if the rotisserie is not stored or reheated properly. All in all, it is a great method to use.

What Determines the Choice of Cooking?

Now that you know the two methods and how they work, which method should you select? For instance, rotisserie is best suited for cylindrical cuts while grilling requires more leanness. This is because the rotisserie will be rotating constantly. On the other hand, grilling is best suited for flatter portions as you may only turn them from one side to the other. The tenderness of the meat and the results you want will determine what you choose.

Verdict: Which is the Healthiest Option?

While two pieces of meat may look the same before cooking, the nutritional value changes depending on the selected method. Rotisserie will drain most of the oil and grease from your meat while grilling will not. When it comes to the outer look, grilled meat may have a char depending on the heating method used while rotisserie doesn’t have that.

As you can see, both methods have their pros and cons. Your choice entirely depends on the results you desire. To balance your taste buds and nutrition, consider trying out each cooking style once in a while. Enjoy the smell and visual appeal of both rotisserie and grilling options.