Sorry, this competition closed on 7th December 2015

By entering the competition, it is deemed that the entrant accepts the terms and conditions stated below.

No purchase necessary.

Prize cannot be exchanged for cash equivalent.

Prize is not transferable.

One entry per person, no bulk or third-party entries, unless the rules of the competition state so.

No responsibility can be taken for any lost or delayed entries.

Winner must be 18 years old or over.

The winner will be chosen from all correct entries and will be notified by email.

The winner will need to confirm acceptance within 7 days of being notified. If the winner does not confirm acceptance within this timeframe, the promoter has the right to pick another winner.

By entering, you agree to share your contact information with Joe's Southern Kitchen and Bar.

Voucher to be used by 1 April 2016.

Prize cannot be exchanged for cash equivalent.

The prize is £100 tab for up to 4 people. This can be used Sunday-Thursday, subject to availability.

Entrants must be over 18.

The winner be chosen by random and will be notified by email.